Keys to Better Bible Reading

Psalm 119:18 - "Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law."

2 Timothy 2:15 - "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

The journey of studying Scripture requires more than just reading - it demands careful observation, interpretation, and application. Here are some principles to effectively studying God’s Word.

  1. Begin with Prayer - The Bible is a spiritual book that requires spiritual understanding. Without the Holy Spirit's help, we cannot fully grasp its meaning. Prayer opens our spiritual eyes to see what God wants to reveal.
  2. Read Scripture as Pointing to Jesus - The entire Bible tells one unified story of God's redemption through Jesus Christ. Both Old and New Testaments point to Jesus as the promised Messiah and central Hero of the story.
  3. Let Scripture Interpret Scripture - When encountering unclear passages, look to clearer verses on the same topic. The Bible doesn't contradict itself but rather complements and explains itself.
  4. Take Time to Meditate - Don't rush through reading. Take time to deeply consider passages, perhaps reading them in different translations to gain fresh perspective.

Other Practical Tips for Bible Study
  • Study the context of the passage rather than isolating verses.
  • Read in community with other believers – like a Bible study group or Sunday School class.
  • Be aware of historical and cultural background.
  • Pay attention to different biblical genres (poetry, narrative, prophecy, etc.).
  • Approach Scripture with faith and willingness to obey.
  • Use study tools like commentaries and Bible dictionaries. Many free online tools exist, like,, and

The Bible was given not just to inform us but to transform us. Consider these questions:
  • Am I approaching Scripture with a humble, teachable spirit?
  • Do I take time to truly understand what God is saying before jumping to application?
  • Am I willing to obey what God reveals through His Word?

Take the challenge: Choose one book of the Bible and commit to reading it daily for 30 days, asking God to reveal new insights each time. Take notes on what you observe and how it applies to your life.

A dusty Bible leads to a dirty life. Make time to regularly engage with God's Word, allowing it to transform your mind and shape your life according to His will.

Dr. Josh Franklin

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