Standing the Test of Time

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away." - Matthew 5:17-18
Throughout history, skeptics have tried to discredit the Bible, yet it has consistently stood firm. Like a lighthouse that has weathered countless storms, the Bible continues to shine brightly, guiding people to truth. Archaeological discoveries don't disprove Scripture; they confirm it. Scientific understanding doesn't contradict the Bible; it often catches up to what Scripture has said all along. This remarkable consistency across centuries speaks to its divine origin and should strengthen our confidence in God's Word.

Reflection Question - What challenges to your faith have you encountered, and how does the Bible's proven reliability help you face those challenges?
“Lord, thank You for giving us Your trustworthy Word. Strengthen my faith in Your truth and help me stand firm when doubts arise. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
From "God Wrote a Book":

Dr. Josh Franklin

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